Sunday, December 15, 2013

Welcome to Jet Lag and Jewels! If you're reading this right now it means that in the infinite world of cyberspace you have somehow managed to find me. Whether it was on purpose or by accident, our paths have officially crossed!
It's 2:15 am on a Sunday night in mid-December. I'm in Paris, sitting in the lovely living room of my sister's and her fiancĂ©'s house, which (since everybody is sleeping except me) is lit only by candles, the beautiful Christmas tree and the bright screen of my computer. The house is completely quiet and I even have two cute little Yorkies curled up next to me. Things are very cozy here and I was just about to go to bed, but suddenly I realized that it was the perfect time to start this new project that I've had in mind for quite some time now. There are always so many things to do that if you don't make time for things and just take the leap, they often don't happen. So, I figured it was now or never....I chose NOW.
I am an artist, a student and a jewelry designer/creator. I have a passion for fashion, accessories, traveling and much much more. At this point in my life I am on one big amazing journey...I have the great gift of being able to travel between Italy, Paris and New York to work on my various art/jewelry-related projects and I'm enjoying each and every moment of all of it! 
Basically I'm searching...I'm not sure what for exactly, but it truly is the greatest and grandest treasure hunt! Through all the craziness and the ups and downs of life I have moments of overwhelming excitement! And in these moments all I can do is put the stress, worries and head/heart aches of life aside and just simply be happy... 
As Ms. Penny Lane (played by Kate Hudson) says in one of my all time favorite films, Almost Famous..."It's all happening!"...And, really is. :)
